Advanced Property Claims Training

These courses are best during regional or team meetings, or in a lunch & learn setting. We schedule enough time for training, answering questions, and reviewing any current claims, if requested. 

If your team does not have regional meetings, or is spread out geographically, we offer the in-person seminars via Zoom Webinar, or other platforms. We still provide time for questions, and can evaluate ongoing claims questions via screen-sharing.

We are grateful for the opportunity to present at regional and national conferences. Please join us – we would love to see you there!  

Current Offerings

Claims Conference

  • Identify physical characteristics of genuine hail and wind damages
  • Differentiate manufactured (man-made) damages from natural with examples of damage
  • Describe options for claim resolution when fraud damages are documented
  • Compare the benefits and draw-backs to each option

Class Length: 90min

Construction Materials and Methods

Promise 2 – This course is an introduction to Understanding Construction Materials and Methods, identifies various parties’ roles and responsibilities, and is a framework for the claims handling process.

Class Length: 120min

Wind & Hail – Differentiating Genuine vs Fraud

This course is an introduction to Understanding Construction Materials and Methods, identifies various parties’ roles and responsibilities, and is a framework for the claims handling process.

Class Length: 60min


This course is an introduction to Understanding Construction Materials and Methods, identifies various parties’ roles and responsibilities, and is a framework for the claims handling process.

Class Length: 60min